在 流媒体东部连接的视频学习2021小组, 斯科特·纳尔逊, director of instructional media in the office of distance education and elearning at Ohio State University, 迫使我重新思考我对混合教室的看法. 我们友好的差异 of opinion was about whether the hybrid classroom should be designed "remote student first" or "in-person student first.“我是团队里的‘面对面’,一般来说,我相信这是指导 应该是远程还是面对面,如果被迫两者都做的话, we should minimally accommodate the remote students with a reasonably representative video feed until they can join the class in person. Nelson suggested that teachers "use their in-person class as a studio space for their online students.这种“现场工作室”有一个令人信服的理由 audience" approach to remote-first that especially makes good sense for large lecture halls, where the in-person cohort would benefit from well-planned dynamic projections alternating between relevant illustrations and IMAG camera shots.
Planning for hybrid work arrangements and small videoconferencing setups further reinforced that my original thinking was wrong. 最终, 这是一个非二元的设计选择,在极端之间有一系列的选择, with the "fly-on-the-wall" experience for remote students at one end and something like a call center for in-person attendees at the other. 举一个后一种极端的例子, every student or meeting participant might sit around a table with his or her own device running the Zoom call on mute, 配有视频会议扬声器系统,为现场的每个人处理音频. 这些设置使每个人都能将注意力集中在当前的演讲者身上, 无论是面对面还是远程, 很少有人因为这项技术而沦为二等人. 在大多数情况下,什么是介于这两个极端之间的最佳选择. 而不是围绕哪个受众来构建设计思维 you choose to prioritize, consider instead how to be effectively inclusive to each and both.
在做设计决策时, the key factors are why you're doing hybrid in the first place and what the expectations are for both audiences. 为学校, the driving factor may be temporarily imposed by a cautious local health district enforcing occupancy limits or structurally imposed by shortages in either teachers or classroom space. 虽然两国的校长都是国家教育 协会和美国联合会 Teachers changed course at the start of the summer and began persuading their memberships to feel safe going back to school in the fall, 许多教师可能坚持在教室里远程授课. The resulting shortage could potentially be addressed by accommodating the teacher's request with a combination of strong remote-participant inclusivity and on-site teacher's aides. 近十年来, the California state legislature threatened reduced funding for state universities because of students failing to graduate on time. This graduation delay was the result of students not being able to register for required courses due to enrollment limits. The demand for schools to increase capacity ultimately led to the California Promise Program. 它在7月1日达到了一个重要的法定报告截止日期, 2021, in which the flexibility of online courses will no doubt play a critical contributing role.
An unfortunate motivator for hybrid—and one that needs to be planned for by elementary schools until children younger than 12 can be vaccinated—is that a student must remain 因生病或接触者追踪在家几周. 合理的预期要求短期投资, 临时解决方案(或者只是让朋友把作业带回家), 就像我年轻时那样, 当视频会议还只是科幻小说而不是日常生活的一部分时). 除了, students with certain disabilities may find that remote learning better fits their learning needs. 在一些地区, a hybrid teaching model may be the best way to accommodate these students' Individualized Education Programs.
很明显, there are legitimate reasons for maximizing enrollments and for hybrid instructional setups in general, 这两者都有利于学生. 传统学校采用在线和混合学习并非出于贪婪, but rather the best way to satisfy demand for education that could not be met through traditional methods.
Once you've determined why you're doing hybrid and whether the expectations are for a short-term solution or are 作为长期战略的一部分,还有两项设计任务. One is to craft a policy for how you intend to combine the degree of inclusivity for both audiences in the classroom, 研讨会, 或教师会议,尊重与会者的隐私. 另一个是为会议空间提供设备,以实施该政策. For short-term solutions, that should be surplus equipment from the initial pandemic response. 就长期战略而言,学校有能力发挥更大的创造力.
一种学校常用的流媒体技术, 会议中心, 和礼拜堂是但丁(通过以太网的数字音频网络). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, 通常具有以太网供电(PoE)功能.
The name of the game for designing a hybrid classroom or meeting space is balancing inclusivity of the remote and on-premise audiences that a colleague sometimes refers to as the "zoomers" and "roomers,”分别. 下面是一些可以帮助你达到平衡的工具.
在远程教育中, 360 video for its own sake--no matter how cool it is--rarely goes over well; what are the use cases where it really adds to the mission? DiscoverVideo's Rich Mavrogeanes and Ohio State's 斯科特·纳尔逊 discuss real-world use cases where 360 video delivers unique experiences that wouldn't otherwise be possible with elearning, 而在其他地方,它在流媒体东部2022年的这段视频中表现平平.
想让你的视频看起来像《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的视频? 这里有一些工具和技巧,可以让你创建一个旋转镜版本.
现在学生们都回到教室了, schools and universities face an existential dilemma about the role video will play going forward.
因此,您需要一个新的视频管理系统(VMS)? Here are some suggestions for making sure your VMS doesn't compromise your school's or your students' data.
Ohio State's 斯科特·纳尔逊 and DiscoverVideo's Rich Mavrogeanes discuss how pivots to online learning necessitated in both K-12 and higher-ed during the pandemic proven the concept, 培养持久的新技能, 并暴露了潜在的系统性弱点, 所有这些都将为未来的混合教育提供信息.
中国提供了一个特别有趣的全球课堂案例研究, 由于其庞大的人口规模和在其网络中运营的难度.
视频学习系统正在学校中兴起, but teachers have so far lacked a way to bring that data into their learning management systems. 进入卡尺.
New offerings from both young and established companies let educators create elaborate personalized videos, 学生们用一种更自然的方式学习.